Permanent Establishments in the United Kingdom after Brexit

Brexit arises the question of how companies are supposed to operate in the United Kingdom. The answer would be through permanent establishments, meaning having headquarters where a foreign operator conducts part of its activity. At OBN&, we explain the details to note on how to do it.

By |2022-01-27T11:26:32+00:0027 de January de 2022|Publications|0 Comments

Labour reform: What to bear in mind after its entry into force?

Following the entry into force of Royal Decree 32/2021, on labour reform, we summarise the key aspects that make up the new regulatory framework and how these modifications affect companies, which will have until 30 March to adapt to the new regulations.

By |2022-11-14T15:12:35+00:001 de January de 2022|Publications|0 Comments

Increase in sanctions by the Labour Inspectorate in Spain: now in force

Following the implementation of the Remote Working Act, the penalties imposed by the Labour Inspectorate have increased by up to 20% in value. In the following article, we summarise which sanctions have been increased.

By |2022-06-23T09:35:00+00:0014 de October de 2021|Publications|0 Comments

Why do British companies decide to set up subsidiaries in Spain?

In this article we explain why British companies decide to create subsidiaries in Spain, as well as the advantages that this entails, the procedures necessary to create one and what should be taken into account in relation to the taxation of these subsidiaries.

By |2021-08-02T11:44:03+00:002 de August de 2021|Publications|0 Comments

Fiscal effects of Brexit: the new trading relationships

This article sets out the main tax effects of Brexit at both a legal and economic level, as well as the new developments in personal income tax and non-resident income tax, the tax impact of Brexit for companies and the new developments in VAT.

By |2021-11-12T09:13:16+00:002 de August de 2021|Publications|0 Comments
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