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Legal team for the modern business

OBN& is a multidisciplinary firm that provides professional legal and business advisory services with a strategic and innovative approach. We are committed to helping our clients overcome any challenge and achieve their business goals.

We offer services in tax, labour, corporate and legal advice for all types of companies, with total coverage both nationally and internationally, with a clear vocation for customer service.









OBN& Blog

End of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19

An end to the most visible and emblematic measure of the pandemic, Goodbye to face masks! Yesterday, 5 July 2023, three years after the start of the pandemic, the end of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the country was finally declared. Thanks to the assessment of the Coordination Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies, which has determined that Covid-19 is under control.

Moving to another province during a pandemic does not oblige the company to accept teleworking

As a consequence of the Pandemic, 4 out of 10 employees in Europe started teleworking. A large number of workers changed their residence for various reasons and continued to telework. Now, once the pandemic is over, should companies accept teleworking for those workers who changed their residence during this time?

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